Transit Buses website

Washington State Department of Enterprise Services’ Transit Buses website homepage surrounding WA’s FAST Act compliant transit bus contract.

Alternative Fuel Vehicles

GSA’s Alternative Fuels and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations overview including available AFV configurations and aquisitions.

“Green Fleet Planning”

Fleet Challenge website describing free EV Cost-Benefit tool supporting overall electric vehicle transitions.

“Return on investment tools: Zero emission vehicles”

Oregon, Department of Administrative Services, Return on investment tools regarding zero emission vehicles, used to develop budgeting and ROI tools to help guide agencies on ZEV purchases and costs for budgeting the changing EV infrastructure.

Fleet Procurement Analysis Tool

Atlas Public Policy’s, EV Hub, Fleet Procurement Analysis Tool provides decision-relevant information on the financial viability and environmental impact of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicle fleet procurements.

Fleet Tools

State of Hawaii Climate Change Portal, Hawaii’s Fleet tool used to calculate cost of ownership by Summary of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Analysis.