Sustainable Freight Partners Group

The Sustainable Freight Partners Group (SFPG) is a public-private forum for collaboration on the advancement of low- to zero-emission technologies in the freight sector—specifically the trucking, marine, and rail modalities—led by the Electrification Coalition. Members of the SFPG consist of leading industry voices representing manufacturers, infrastructure developers, energy and fuel suppliers (including utilities), vehicle and equipment operators, and trade organizations; government, including federal and state agencies; and environmental groups, including labor and environmental justice representation. 

The SFPG supports the national goal of transitioning the freight sector to zero emissions by facilitating coordination between critical freight stakeholdersMembers work together to inform and support the implementation of strategies and frameworks to scale the deployment of low- to zero-emission technologies in the freight sector, including the U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization and its trucking, marine, and rail modal action plans and the National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy

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