8/6/20: Pennsylvania EV Policy Bootcamp
The EC brought together 120 electric vehicle policymakers, industry experts, and advocates for an informative and collaborative day-long session about how to accelerate EVs in Pennsylvania, the first in a series of state EV Policy Bootcamps across six states.
Electrification Coalition Applauds State Leaders for Accelerating Transition to Electric Trucks

Statement by Ben Prochazka, National Director of the Electrification Coalition: “Our transportation sector is almost entirely reliant on oil, so we need to take critical action to accelerate the transition to electrification. These 15 states and the District of Columbia have taken an important step toward making freight movement a driving force for our electric transportation future. This ambitious action from state leaders will help reduce our oil dependency, diversify the fuel used to move freight across the country, lower vehicle emissions, and ensure our transportation network is powered domestically.”