Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Awards: Next Steps and Best Practices

In this January 31 webinar, Forth joined the Electrification Coalition to discuss the first round of CFI awards. We took an in-depth look at what applicants did well, didn’t do so well, and shared first-hand knowledge of what it takes to write a successful grant to prepare for implementation and future CFI rounds.

Download the slide presentation (PDF) to access additional resources for future CFI applicants.

Amy Malaki

Amy Malaki is the head of policy and sustainability at SkyNRG and SkyNRG Americas, pioneering global leaders in sustainable aviation fuel production and supply. Prior to SkyNRG, Amy was the associate director for the transportation portfolio at the ClimateWorks Foundation where she developed philanthropic investment strategies to advance a sustainable, equitable and low-carbon mobility system. She also pioneered the organization’s international aviation decarbonization strategy. Prior to that she focused on Asia business development at Better Place, a Silicon Valley electric vehicle network startup. She has a B.A. in Chinese and China studies from the University of Washington and an M.A. in international policy studies (energy and environment) from Stanford University.