Charging Forward: Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grant 101 Webinar

On April 5, 2023, the Electrification Coalition and Forth hosted  hosted an educational Charging And Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant 101 Zoom Webinar. Thank you for all the organizations who presented!

Atlas Public Policy 

  • Atlas Public Policy is a policy-tech firm that equips businesses and policymakers to make strategic, informed decisions that serve the public interest. Atlas’s flagship product, EV Hub, is a free resource for public agencies that provides access to data, tools, and resources to help users stay on top of the EV market and inform transportation electrification planning. Atlas is also available to answer questions and support applicants’ data needs on a limited ad-hoc basis. 
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BlueGreen Alliance  

  • The BlueGreen Alliance is a coalition of labor unions and environmental organizations that envisions and advocates for a just, prosperous, and sustainable future for all. On wide range of policy areas, including vehicles and transportation, BlueGreen Alliance works to solve environmental problems in ways that create and maintain quality jobs and build a clean, thriving, and equitable economy.  
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  • To support this generational investment, Forth, with funding through the GM Climate Fund, is providing assistance, education, and training to communities interested in pursuing this funding. We will equip partners with the tools and information needed to ensure that this money is spent quickly, effectively, and in ways that center equity. This proposal support includes program design, matchmaking assistance among potential partners, as well as educational and community engagement program design.  
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Grid Alternatives 

  •  GRID Alternatives is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to build community-powered solutions to advance economic and environmental justice through renewable energy. GRID is assisting Forth in conducting outreach to communities for the CFI Program. GRID is also positioned to partner with communities on applications, particularly for applications focused on providing benefits for multifamily affordable housing residents. 
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Plug In America 

  • Plug In America is a non-profit EV driver association in our 15th year of working to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles. During the grantmaking process, are working with partners to provide webinars in target states to educate eligible applicants about the discretionary grants. We are available to partner with eligible applicants to provide outreach and education about EVs through our EV support program, PlugStar tool, and ride-and-drive events.  
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The Greenlining Institute 

  • The Greenlining Institute works towards a future where communities of color can build wealth, live in healthy places filled with economic opportunity, and are ready to meet the challenges posed by climate change. Together with Forth, Greenlining co-manages the Towards Equitable Electric Mobility (TEEM) Community of Practice, a multi-state community of advocates that share policy goals, build capacity, and develop a mutual commitment towards advancing racial equity in electric mobility and climate change goals. We work with cohorts across five states: Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, and Virginia. TEEM supports frontline communities in accessing the benefits of CFI through technical assistance, relationship building, and advocating for equity in the design and implementation of electric transportation and infrastructure programs. 
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Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) 

  • The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) is an industry-backed coalition of member companies spanning the electric vehicle (EV) supply chain. Together with its members, ZETA advocates for 100% EV sales by 2030. Our membership includes critical mineral companies, battery manufacturers and recyclers, charging manufacturers, automakers, and utilities. We intend our educational arm to raise awareness about the CFI grants using dedicated resources such as educational one-pager to targeted states looking to electrify and using our communications teams to amplify the JO’s and ZETA’s resources on electrification. 
  • Contact: 



  • Brandt Hertenstein, Program Manager, Electrification Coalition
  • Jeanette Shaw, Policy Director, Forth
  • Steve Lommele, Interim Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Lead, Joint Office of Energy and Transportation


Amy Malaki

Amy Malaki is the head of policy and sustainability at SkyNRG and SkyNRG Americas, pioneering global leaders in sustainable aviation fuel production and supply. Prior to SkyNRG, Amy was the associate director for the transportation portfolio at the ClimateWorks Foundation where she developed philanthropic investment strategies to advance a sustainable, equitable and low-carbon mobility system. She also pioneered the organization’s international aviation decarbonization strategy. Prior to that she focused on Asia business development at Better Place, a Silicon Valley electric vehicle network startup. She has a B.A. in Chinese and China studies from the University of Washington and an M.A. in international policy studies (energy and environment) from Stanford University.