Retaining Federal EV Tax Credit Vital for U.S. Energy Security and Beating China to EV Market Dominance

In response to the White House announcing its intention to eliminate the federal electric vehicle (EV) tax credit in its proposed budget, in order to save the U.S. government $2.5 billion over 10 years, Electrification Coalition (EC) President and CEO Robbie Diamond issued the following statement: “Eliminating the federal EV tax credit not only exacerbates the economic and national security dangers posed by our oil dependence, but also gives China a vital advantage in the global EV race. Electricity is a bona fide American-made fuel, and switching to electricity will help the Trump administration hit its energy dominance goals by cutting domestic oil consumption and maximizing our petroleum exports.”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Critical for American Economic and National Security Interests

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFebruary 7, 2019Contact: Alex Adams | 202.461.2374 | Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Critical for American Economic and National Security Interests In response to the introduction of the Fairness for Every Driver Act, which aims to eliminate the federal electric vehicle (EV) tax credit, SAFE and Electrification Coalition (EC) President and CEO, […]